Welcome to the European Pillar of Social Rights Flashcard tool
- A guide for public health professionals and decision-makers
The European Pillar of Social Rights sets out rights and principles to create more sustainable and inclusive European societies.
These flashcards were designed by EuroHealthNet to help public health professionals and decision-makers contribute to the implementation of the Pillar of Social Rights. Each flashcard explores a different principle and demonstrates its relevance to the public health sector.
What's next?
What is the European Pillar of Social Rights?

The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) sets out 20 key principles, agreed upon by EU Member States, to achieve sustainable and inclusive societies.
The EU Action Plan on the EPSR sets out actions at European level to turn the principles in concrete actions. It also proposes headline targets for the EU to reach by 2030.
The EPSR sets the aspiration and implementation priorities for a more social Europe for all. A more social Europe paves the way for a healthier Europe. By addressing the underlying determinants of health, the European Pillar of Social Rights can be considered a European Pillar for Health.
About the EPSR Flashcards
The flashcards are designed to demonstrate how EPSR principles can contribute to achieving health and wellbeing. Each flashcard explores a different principle and sets out what public health authorities across Europe are doing to help build progress.
Each flashcard sets out
How the EPSR principle is relevant to public health
Concrete goals set out by the EPSR Action Plan
The EU tools available to implement the EPSR principle
Available EU funding and contact points for further assistance

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About EuroHealthNet
Building a healthier future for all by addressing the determinants of health and reducing inequalities.
EuroHealthNet is the Partnership of public health agencies and organisations building a healthier future for all by addressing the determinants of health and reducing inequalities. Our focus is on preventing disease and promoting good health by looking within and beyond the health system.
Structuring our work over a policy, a practice, and a research platform, we focus on exploring and strengthening the links between these areas.
Our approach focuses on integrated concepts to health, reducing health inequality gaps and gradients, working on determinants across the life course, whilst contributing to the sustainability and wellbeing of people and the planet.

EuroHealthNet is co-funded by the European Union. However, the information and views set out on this website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included on this website. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission's behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.